
I have discovered that I am an extremely slow processor, which doesn’t fit with my seemingly spontaneous personality! However, in recent years I have come to understand this about myself and have quit feeling shameful about it. So, as I think about scripture and God's principles for living, I find myself continuing to chew them over and over. (I should have been a cow!) Please forgive me if my train of thought jumps off the track periodically. I blame it on A.D.D. and getting old!

In a conversation with a good friend, I wondered aloud if I were anywhere near being who God had intended me to be when I was in his mind before the foundations of the earth. My friend challenged me to pray and think about that. I have been and this is where I have landed thus far.

As I have reviewed my journey with Christ, I have pondered how one grows and deepens their walk with the Lord. When I first came to Christ my spiritual depth measured no more than a raindrop. Over the years, as I have given myself to Christ, prayed, read and studied His Word, a deepening has occurred. From raindrop to small puddle. Hopefully, each day my puddle expands as I “struggle well with life.” Each time I worship the Trinity, each time I am moved by faith, I am being deepened. This deepening, however, is not without much mystery and trepidation.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

That was good! Really, really good!

I struggle too. I've always like to think that struggle was a heck of alot better than just plain giving up. Since my sister passed away, running AWAY from God has not been an option. I've been mad. Even mad with Him...His plans. (you're probably cringing just a tad) Mad that He didn't "ask me my thoughts" or think how much my heart would break. But, but, but I'm leaning on Him more than ever. Trusting His plans. I'm staring all fears straight on because I know & trust a God that has overcome death. A God who has all of the pieces. He has, by none of my own works, made me more than a conquerer. Scriptures are no longer just words, they are my hope, my truth, my life. I have to say that I am in my garden & like Jesus, I'm am finding God there. And He's no longer just a healing God or a "list of prayers" God...He is my everything God! When I had nothing more to offer than a broken heart & angry words, He gave me hope. And suddenly, I'm looking around to a world of hurts & understand & can say because I'm there, that I know God & He is good.