
For the last 40 years I have called myself a Christian. In my early years of following Christ I was front and center all the time. I had incredible zeal and boldness. There wasn't a person that I wouldn't share my faith with. And I had a hunger for the Word that was insatiable. I was also a lot like Peter...impulsive, arrogant, loud-mouthed and reckless.

In the Gospel of Luke, Luke introduces him as "Simon, who he also named Peter." "Peter" was sort of a nickname and one of the first things Jesus said to him. Even though Jesus gave him the name "Peter", which means "rock", he sometimes referred to him as Simon.

In the book Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur, Peter is described as brash, vacillating and undependable. He made lots of promised that he couldn't keep. He started things and then bailed out. He was the first one in and the first one out! It looks like Jesus changed his name because he wanted that nickname, "the rock", to be a reminder to him about who he should be. So, whenever Jesus spoke to him, the name he used sent Peter a subtle message. If he called him "Simon", he was reminding him that he was acting like his old self. When he called him "rock", he was commending him for acting the way he should be.

Peter, a brash, impetuous, overeager disciple was also the disciple who confessed Christ more boldly than the others. And while Jesus was dragged throughout the city prior to his crucifixion, Peter was the one who tried to stay as close to Jesus as he could. And in spite of his sinful tendencies and spiritual weaknesses, the Lord wanted to use him and promised to sustain him no matter what. Peter's character was developed through his intimate association with Christ.

With that as the backdrop, I have been wondering what God's nickname is for me? And how often He uses it when referring to me? I've been called "Suzi" as long as I can remember but when Jesus is at the right hand of the Father interceding for me, what name does He whisper in the Father's ear? Based on Simon's new moniker, "Peter - the rock", my nickname must be indicative of who I can be. However, I will probably never know, this side of heaven, what that nickname is. So then, what am I to live up to?

I figured the best way to find that out was to read the letters of the man who had gone from "Simon the unstable" to "Peter the rock" and this is what I found, this is what I am supposed to become. I am to...

  • Let myself be pulled in to a life shaped by God's life - a life energetic and blazing with holiness.
  • Have a consciousness about God
  • Drink deep of God's pure kindness
  • Speak out for Him
  • Not indulge my ego
  • Exercise my freedom through obedience
  • Cultivate inner beauty
  • Bless others
  • Say nothing evil or hurtful
  • Snub evil - cultivate good
  • Run after peace
  • Keep my heart attentive
  • Think like Jesus
  • Stay awake in prayer (this from the man who couldn't stay awake in the Garden!)
  • Love others
  • Be glad in difficulty
  • Be content with who I am
  • Live carefree before God
  • Stay alert
  • Compliment my faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, generous love
  • Keep my mind in a state of undistracted attention
  • Daily expect God - He might return today
  • Live at my best in purity and peace
  • Grow in grace and understanding of Jesus
(From the Message)

While I may never know God's pet name for me, He certainly has given me enough directives and the power of the Holy Spirit to guide me on my way to becoming exactly who He knows I can be. The list is pretty long, I better get started...


Anonymous said...

Thank Suzi for a great reminder of how God sees the vessel we are intended to be, even as the potters wheel is still turning!

Lacey said...

I like this...& it reminds me I have a lot to work on!

How's your newest grandbaby?
