
It has taken me awhile to figure out exactly what blogging is. Actually, I'm still not sure if writing one's thoughts for strangers to read makes much sense.

I have been journaling for many years, stashing my journals away so no one will accidentally pick one up and read the things I have written in private. However, I have been encouraged to join the world of blogging by someone who is very important to me. Also, I have been following several blogs that have been extremely impactful as well as thought provoking and hope the same may be true of this one.

As my title states, I have been traveling in the same direction for a very long time now. In spite of that, I still tend to get off track and even terribly lost at times. In fact, there have been many moments over the years when I just quit traveling altogether. My journey has not made the headlines, at least not yet, although if I shave my head like Britney I might make a bit of a splash in my pond yet!

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