Anniversaries mark an event that was memorable and important. We celebrate wedding anniversaries and we remember events that changed lives. Days like September 11th, 2001, the day we lost a job, got divorced or a love one passed away. Today is an anniversary in our family...a day we will never forget.
Our youngest daughter put her feelings in an email and did it so well I want to share them with you.
"I'm sure most of your remember this day a year ago. It is one that I seldom forget. A year ago "our" sweet Pop-Pop went home to be with the Lord! I can just imagine him there now! There have been so many wonderful events and moments that he has been able to see from the best seat in the house! :) I know you all miss him and share with me on a day like today where I wish he was still here! I hope you all take time to remember what Pop-Pop meant to each of you and celebrate a YEAR of his life with our sweet Heavenly Father!
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away!"
Posted by
1:41 PM
For those of you who were wondering who sings the song on the video, it is David Crowder. I first heard this song on a blog called "Bring the Rain," a powerful story of struggle in the life of a young mom. Someone sent the link to me, and after hearing what the content was I really, really didn't want to read it, however, after taking a quick look, I knew that God was going to use this woman's journey in my life. And indeed he has.
Posted by
8:38 AM
Still thinking about "thin places." Troubled by my avoidance of them all the while knowing relief is offered there. Intimacy with the Almighty that calls me to trust and let go. Such a foreign concept to most. Wanting to learn to be inspired rather than impulsive. Yearning to "step back into the gentle, transforming silence of attentiveness, paying attention to what I am feeling and surrendering those feelings to God."
Posted by
12:16 PM
A sweet friend of mine who has had an unbelievably difficult two years, sent me this article which has resonated in me and caused me to ask myself how often I go to the "thin places."
Posted by
5:43 PM